In this network topology, we will have one router acting as a gateway, three switches, one firewall

software, one access point, one printer, and 20 PCs. There will be two subnets in this topology.

The first subnet, named subnet 0, is for configuring the router. Meanwhile, the switch acting as a

bridge for the upper and lower floors will be the second subnet, named subnet 1. The network

architecture on both the upper and lower floors will use the same topology, featuring a mix of

ring and star topologies.

 We are using a star topology because of its robustness and reliability, making

it easy to identify and isolate faults. Additionally, changes or upgrades can be made

centrally at the switch, avoiding disruptions to the entire network. However, using a

star topology for the whole network is costly, particularly for cabling. To address this, we

will combine it with a bidirectional ring topology. This approach saves costs and is easy to install

and configure. Although the ring topology has a weakness in robustness, where a single computer failure

can affect the entire network, this is mitigated by incorporating the star topology as for each star topology

there will be 2 nodes.



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